We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
You can call the police on 155.
Yes, the police are obliged to help regardless of age.
Children must have a lawyer throughout this process. Therefore, the state appoints a compulsory lawyer if the child doesn’t have a lawyer. If not appointed, it can be requested by contacting the bar association.
The child must be taken to a safe place first. If the police are called first and it is decided by the police that it is dangerous for the children to stay at the same place, the child is temporarily placed under protection.
After that process and in these processes regarding children; all authorities are obliged to report the violation to the General Directorate of Child Services. The directorate’s personnel come to examine the situation of the child and if it is dangerous for the child to stay with family, the directorate reports this situation to the juvenile court and the decision on accommodation can be made by the court. However, the priority is for the child to stay with the family with other measures.
If an application is made to the court first, the General Directorate of Child Services examines the situation of the child and submits a report to the court as a result of the examination. With this report, if the court deems it necessary, may decide to place the child in another place.
The judge may decide to remove or change the protective and supportive measure, taking into account the development of the child. These measures are reviewed every 3 months. If the juvenile court judge decides that the preventive or supportive measures given are no longer necessary, in the face of the reports, he/she can remove or change the measure.
Implementation of the measure ends automatically upon completion of the age of eighteen. However, the judge may decide to continue the implementation of the measure for a certain period so that he/she can continue his education and training, by obtaining his/her consent.
• Articles of Turkish Penal Code on related crimes. (May vary depending on the situation. e.g. Article 86: injury, Article 103: sexual harassment of children, Article 106: threat, Article 94/95: torture, Article 125 insult.)
• Articles of the Child Protection: « Law No. 5395:».
No. Offenses related to child abuse are not subject to complaint. For this reason, the prosecutor has to initiate an investigation as soon as he/she becomes aware of the situation.
Yes. The doctor should help regardless of age.
You can call 112 for an ambulance. In addition, if you have been abused, you can go to the nearest healthcare center, such as a family clinic or hospital emergency department.
Yes. Children can get a health report of abuse in case of violence. In any case, the medical staff has to report this situation to the authorities. However, in case of medical intervention, the consent of the child’s parent is required.
Which organizations can help? (TTM)
Sulukule Volunteers Association (SGD)
Basak Culture and Art Foundation (BSV)
When compiling the instructions, we relied on the help of volunteers and lawyers from different countries. If something went wrong – the organization didn’t respond to you, you found a bug or the instructions weren’t precise enough – tell us about it. Email us at: help@labirint.online