We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation.
Today, many people fleeing the war in Ukraine are ending up in Russia. For some of them, this is the closest destination available; others are evacuated by force.
“Helping to Leave” (Russian: «Помогаем уехать», Pomogayem Uyekhat). This project works with Ukrainians affected by the war, including those forcibly deported to the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories or to Russia. It provides informational, financial, and psychological assistance, and also facilitates evacuation from unsafe areas.
The Civic Assistance Committee (Russian: Комитет «Гражданское содействие», Komitet Grazhdanskoye Sodeystviye). This project is dedicated to helping migrants and refugees as well as protecting their rights across the country. The Civic Assistance Committee provides legal, medical, psychological, and humanitarian assistance.
If you are a survivor of a crime committed by the Russian military, you can contact a coalition of Ukrainian human rights organizations. It collects accounts of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during Russia’s military action in Ukraine. They will document your case and keep a record.
Below is an instruction that will help you handle an emergency situation while in Russia:
These funds help elderly people in need:
«Enjoyable Aging». (Russian: «Старость в радость», Starost V Radost). This project offers social welfare services to elderly people. It also helps resolve medical issues and provides housing to those who have nowhere to go.
«House of Friends». (Russian: «Дом друзей», Dom Druzei). This project works with lonely people over 70 who have ended up without a home and money. It provides legal, psychological, financial, and social assistance as well as first aid services.
«Alzrus». (Russian: «Альцрус»). This organization supports people with dementia and their families.
«No to Violence». This NGO offers psychological and information support to elderly people affected by any type of violence.
When compiling the instructions, we relied on the help of volunteers and lawyers from different countries. If something went wrong – the organization didn’t respond to you, you found a bug or the instructions weren’t precise enough – tell us about it. Email us at: help@labirint.online