We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
There are non-governmental organizations for the elderly in each municipality.
Free emotional support helpline for elderly 8 800 80020. On working days 8 a.m.-10 p.m., on non-working days 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
You can also contact the 1809 hotline. It consists of six helplines:
— Youth line,
— children’s line,
— women’s helpline,
— parent line,
— silver line (for elderly people).
Depending on the situation, you can choose the line where you think you can receive help.
When compiling the instructions, we relied on the help of volunteers and lawyers from different countries. If something went wrong – the organization didn’t respond to you, you found a bug or the instructions weren’t precise enough – tell us about it. Email us at: help@labirint.online