We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
Usually, «trafficking» refers to the process when another person, who receives economic benefits from this, exploits someone. This is a form of violence, and most often, like other forms, it is applied to women and children.
Most often, exploitation is labor and sexual. Here are the signs they may include,
Article 128 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan: Human trafficking (Purchase and sale or making other transactions in respect of a person, as well as his exploitation or recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, receipt, as well as the commission of other acts for exploitation) is punishable by imprisonment for a term of four to seven years with confiscation of property. The same act is committed for export outside of Kazakhstan, import into Kazakhstan, or transportation of a person through the territory of Kazakhstan from one foreign state to another, as well as export outside of Kazakhstan, import into Kazakhstan or transportation of a person through the territory of Kazakhstan from one foreign state to another state to commit such acts is punishable by imprisonment for a term of nine to twelve years with confiscation of property.
Article 135 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan: Trafficking minors (Purchase and sale or making other transactions in respect of a minor, as well as his exploitation or recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, receipt, as well as the commission of other acts for exploitation) is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to nine years with confiscation of property. The same act is committed for export outside of Kazakhstan, import into Kazakhstan, or transportation of a person through the territory of Kazakhstan from one foreign state to another, as well as export outside of Kazakhstan, import into Kazakhstan or transportation of a person through the territory of Kazakhstan from one foreign state to another state to commit such acts is punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to fifteen years with confiscation of property.
Trafficking victims are not criminalized in Kazakhstan.
There are several NGOs that specialize in this. Below is the list of such NGOs made from publicly available sources. We have not contacted these NGOs, nor can we vouch for these organizations.
When compiling the instructions, we relied on the help of volunteers and lawyers from different countries. If something went wrong — the organization didn’t respond to you, you found a bug or the instructions weren’t precise enough — tell us about it. Email us at: help@labirint.online