We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
If you are in danger now, assess whether you need emergency help.
Call 911.
Also a victim or an individual concerned about a victim can report the abuse to the police or prosecutor’s office via the Center for Immediate Action by calling the 100 number anonymously or by using their name. Alternatively, they can contact their local police department.
Reception centers for abused women (210 4112091); the “Next to You” line against domestic violence (800 1188881 or 2107786800 from a mobile).
Greek or English.
Yes, the case is likely to be launched. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a local NGO first.
Yes, you should state that you are the victim of domestic violence. Even though the legislation against domestic violence in Greece is strict, it seems that police are often reluctant to take action. You will need to press them to open the case. That’s why you might wish to turn to counsel centers for legal support.
Depends on the location, from a couple of minutes to an hour. If the police do not come, call again.
You should describe the situation, show all the evidence and press the police to document the case and create the record.
They should remove the perpetrator until the court hearing, however, there is information that the police do not act consistently on domestic violence cases.
C. Emergency barring orders
1. The Prosecutor can order urgent measures in case of an incident of domestic violence. These measures are implemented immediately.
2a.-2b.-2c.: Civil remedies can be applied, such as a temporary order (usually 1 to 2 days) and safety measures (about a month). Their maximum duration is decided by the court, usually they are valid until a final court decision is published. In severe cases, the court may completely remove parental custody from the delinquent parent (Article 1537 of the Civil Code).
d. The prosecutor decides, based on the safety of the victim and the personality and past of the perpetrator.
e. The flagrante delicto procedure is initiated. The perpetrator is arrested by the police and the case is brought to court immediately (within 24 hours). The measures ordered are usually the removal of the perpetrator from the residence and a prohibition on approaching the victim.
f. Mainly fines and imprisonment.
g. Women seeking for protection are offered psychological and legal support at the Network of Structures.
3: There are no statistical data available.
D. Restraining or protection orders – legal framework
1. See par. C1 above.
2. Restraining and protection orders are applied to all victims without exceptions.
3. There are no fees in the criminal procedure. There are fees in the civil procedure, but in case the victim is entitled to legal aid, legal support is provided for free.
4. The prosecutor orders, as well as the court decisions take immediate effect.
5. The maximum duration of restraining or protection orders is at the Judge’s discretion.
6. The restraining or protection orders are applied as long as there is a court decision (criminal or civil court).
7. Restraining or protection orders are taken into consideration and can be applied at any stage of the legal procedure.
8. Fines and/or deprivation of liberty.
9. Women seeking for protection are offered psychological, social and legal counselling at the Network of Structures.
Call the police.
The victim must produce proof in the form of photographs, emails, text messages or any other physical evidence that can support the claim. In the event of domestic violence, it is advisable to make a visit to the hospital for physical or psychological damages to be recorded by the doctors and the relevant doctors’ opinions to be recorded in writing. A victim can also request that the police record the domestic violence incident.
— How to get medical help?
Call 166.
Greek or English.
No, emergency service is free in Greece, and public ambulances are available in larger cities.
Theoretically yes, but practice varies.
You have the right to emergency medical assistance.
You should state that you are a victim of domestic violence and request the results of the examination to be documented to create the evidence for future proceedings.
It is highly unlikely that the medical staff will report your case to the police.
List of Articles from Administrative and Criminal Codes
Law 3500/2006
This law is entitled “For the treatment of domestic violence and other provisions.” It is the fundamental legislative tool in addressing domestic violence, which it does by prohibiting acts of violence within the family, defining the types of criminal offenses and setting out the relevant penalties for these offenses.
Law 4531/2018
This law:
Specific articles of the Greek Civil and Criminal Code, in particular, Articles 312 and 333, as well as general Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9.
These articles address situations where violence is perpetrated against individuals who are unable to defend themselves due to being under the custody or protection of the abuser, or having a relationship with them, in addition to setting out the penalties for such violence.
The SOS 15900 Helpline is a nationwide service that enables women survivors of GBV or any third party to communicate with a state agency dealing with GBV. The Helpline is staffed by psychologists and sociologists who provide immediate assistance to emergency incidents of violence on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year. In addition, there is the possibility of electronic communication via the address: sos15900@isotita.gr
List of counseling centers with contacts:
The Center has been operating since 1988 and provides psychosocial and legal support to female victims of violence. Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:30. Nikis 11, Athens (Syntagma), 105 57, 210 3317305-6, isotita4@otenet.gr
SOS Helpline: 801 11 16000, 0030 6974 30 10 11, postal address: 56 Meramvellou, GR-71202, Heraklion. Tel/fax: (0030) 2810 242121. E-mail: info@kakopoiisi.gr. Website: www.kakopoiisi.gr. FACEBOOK: @Unionofwomenassociation
Greece, Chania, Crete, 73134, 29 Kydonias Str., E-mail: ekyriakoulaki@gmail.com, phone 306976677507.
The shelter in Athens is operated by Division of Equality and Anti-Discrimination policies, City of Athens 210 52.10.634 -646 – The Counseling Centers of the General Secretariat for Gender Equality 210 33.17.305-6 Polykentro 210 38.98.085 – 079 – 24-hour telephone line SOS 15900 – www.womensos.gr
When compiling the instructions, we relied on the help of volunteers and lawyers from different countries. If something went wrong – the organization didn’t respond to you, you found a bug or the instructions weren’t precise enough – tell us about it. Email us at: help@labirint.online