We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
You can call the police by dialing 112.
There is also a 24-hour hotline on violence in the country. Number — 116 006.
On-line specialists provide information in eight languages: Georgian, English, Russian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Arabic and Persian.
To contact the children’s rights hotline, dial 111. You can discuss a problem or get advice. The line operates on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00.
Yes, you can call yourself and the police has the obligation to react regardless the age.
You have to be accompanies by a parent/legal representative in cases of violence. If your parent/legal representative is an abuser, the Social Service Agency will assign you a legal representative.
The person who used violence against you may be forbidden to stay or live near you. This can happen in an extreme case, when less strict measures against the abuser do not work and continued communication with him is dangerous to your health or life. In any case, the police or social workers will make a decision based on your opinion and proceed from what is best for your safety and well-being. Read more.
In addition, if the child’s parents go to prison and he has no other guardian, he can be placed in a public institution for childcare.
If you do not have another parent or legal representative, a representative designated by the Social Services Agency will accompany you. In the police, special officers who specialize in working with minors will communicate with you.
You have to be represented by a parent/legal representative. For detailed information, see here.
Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA)
Tbilisi, Uznadze st. 101. Tel: 032 299 50 76, email: legalaid@gyla.ge, website: www.gyla.ge
Union “Sapari”
Tbilisi, Akaki Gakhokidze Street 11a. Tel: 032 230 76 03, email: unionsapari@gmail.com, website: www.sapari.ge
Rights of Georgia (formerly “Article 42 of the Constitution”)
Tbilisi, Akaki Gakhokidze Street 11a. Tel: 032 299 88 56, email: office@rights.ge, website: www.rights.ge
Human Rights Center Tbilisi
A. Gakhokidze Street 11a (former Gagarin 2 lane), III floor. Tel: (+995 32) 2 38 46 48, email: hridc@hridc.org, website: www.hridc.org
Partnership for Human Rights (PHR)
Tbilisi, Aleksidze 1, building №2, apartment 26. Tel: 032 233 13 56, email: info@phr.ge, website: www.phr.ge
Safe YOU — app to protect women from violence, call police and connect with services) — to be downloaded through any smartphone.
112 — is an app for the Georgian police.
When compiling the instructions, we relied on the help of volunteers and lawyers from different countries. If something went wrong — the organization didn’t respond to you, you found a bug or the instructions weren’t precise enough — tell us about it. Email us at: help@labirint.online