We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
— Who can ask for a stay? Eligibility criteria?
Shelter homes help those who have experienced domestic violence or afraid of it. You can come here at any time of the day and any day of the week. The shelter does not require a referral and is free of charge. You can call before your arrival, but if necessary, you can arrive without a call. You can go to any shelter.
Greater Helsinki (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa):
- Shelter Association, Hertta Shelter, Työnjochtankatu 7 C, 00880 Helsinki, phone 09 4777 180
- Shelter Association, Pellas Shelter, Kuninkaantie 40 C, 02940 Espoo, phone 040 457 3840
- Shelter Association, Toukola Shelter, Hämeentie 126 F, 00560 Helsinki, phone 050 565 06 36
- Sophie Mannerheim Shelter, Kunnallisneuvoksentie 20, 00930 Helsinki, phone 0400 600 107
- Turvakoti Mona, women only, address hidden, phone 045 639 6274
- Vantaa Shelters Association, Karsiskokuja 17, 01360 Vantaa, phone 040 455 5543
- Hämeenlinna shelter, Hattelmalantie 25, building P, 13100 Hämeenlinna, phone 050 355 6707
- Shelter of the South Karelian social health district, Pappilanpolku 1D, 55120 Imatra, phone 040 351 6477
- Joensuu Shelter, Mintunkuja 3, 80220 Joensuu, phone 050 524 6262
- Association of First and Emergency Care of Central Finland, Suuruspäantie 11, 40521 Jyväskylä, phone 010 4237 520
- Kajaani Shelter, Salmijärventie 300 B, 87930 Salmijärvi, phone 044 797 5252
- Uusimaa Central Shelter, Porvoonkatu 10, 5 top, 04200 Kerava, phone 050 325 2900
- Kokkola Shelter Association, Sairaalakatu 9, 67100 Kokkola, phone 044 336 0056
- Kotka Shelter / Villa Jensen, Pohjoispuistokatu 1, 48100 Kotka, phone 040 509 5111
- Shelter Kuopio, Lastentie 1 A, 70620 Kuopio, phone 017 183 393
- Lahti First Association of Homes and Shelters, Launeenkatu 8, 15100 Lahti, phone 03 875 090
- Mikkeli Shelter, Tuukkalantie 2, 50500 Mikkeli, phone 040 129 4799
- Oulu First Association of Homes and Shelters, Kangastie 9, 90500 Oulu, phone 0400 581 606
- First Association of Pori Homes and Shelters, Tiilimäentie 2, 28500 Pori, phone 044 760 5123
- Porvoo City Shelter, Nordeskiöldinkatu 18, 06100 Porvoo, phone 0400 664 932
- First Raahe Shelter Association, Fellmanin puistokatu 11, 92100 Raahe, phone 044 2824 211
- Villa Familia, Högbenintie 36, 10350 Raseborg, phone 050 468 5736
- Rovaniemi First Association of Homes and Shelters, Lähteentie 5, 96400 Rovaniemi, phone 040 584 0021
- First Association of Homes and Shelters of Southern Ostrobothnia, Simunantie 10 A, 3rd floor, 60200 Seinäjoki, phone 050 575 0541
- First Association of Tampere Homes and Shelters, Kaukajärvi Shelter, Routakatu 19, 33710 Tampere, Anna phone: 050 4787 797, Kaisa phone: 050 3099 131
- Tampere First Homes and Shelters Association, Hämeenkatu, Hämeenkatu 7 (Aleksanterink entrance 27D), 33100 Tampere, phone 050 3373205
- Turku First Association of Homes and Shelters, Luolavuorentie 7, 20810 Turku, phone 02 5134 100
- Vaasa First Association of Homes and Shelters, Varastokatu 12, 65100 Vaasa, phone 06 312 9666
Did our instructions help?
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