We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
Call 133 or 112. The call is free and functions even if you have zero balance on your phone, or even without sim-card
No, but police can later ask for them, so it is safer to ask NGOs for help first.
You can use English or German languages.
Yes police should provide interpreter if you don’t speak German (Strafprozessordnung, Paragraf 56).
Police can start the case, so it is safer to ask NGOs for help first.
Sexual violence is illegal in Austria. Including e.g. touching breast or buttocks without consent, or when a person deliberately makes you a witness to sexual activities (e.g. masturbation) without your consent.
It depends on the location — from several minutes to several hours. If police does not arrive, call again.
— How to get medical help?
Call 141 or 112 (general emergency number, you will be redirected to ambulance if required).
1450 (Austrian health line) — if you’re not sure that your case is an emergency.
You can use English and German languages.
Yes, except Ukrainians and third country nationals who left the country after February 24, 2022 — they can get medical help even before registering. You can receive emergency medical assistance while not being registered, but in most cases you will have to pay for the services.
If you have insurance (e-card, you almost definitely have it if you work in Austria), you can visit doctors who are covered by your insurance free of charge. Otherwise you can pay by yourself.
An ambulance is usually covered by insurance, but there are certain exceptions: when there is no “medical emergency”, in cases of alcohol or drug abuse, and in case the person is found dead when the emergency services arrive. In these cases, insurance company may refuse to refund.
It means that if it’s not an emergency and you can go to the doctor by yourself, you shouldn’t call the ambulance, otherwise you’ll need to pay more than 700 euros.
If you don’t have insurance, you’ll also have to pay by yourself (even if it’s really an emergency).
If you’re not sure if you should call emergency, you can call the Austrian health line at 1450. They’ll call an ambulance for you if they decide it’s really an emergency. Otherwise, they can give some medical advice.
Ukrainian refugees can get medical help free of charge. If they stay in Austria for a long time, they get an e-card (insurance that gives them the same rights that all Austrian citizens have). For some doctors (and also for emergencies) for Ukrainians e-card is not required.
Usually, no documents are required except e-card. If you don’t have it and plan to pay for doctors by yourself, it’s better to take your passport.
Red Cross Austria runs special medical service which provides help anonimously. In case you have migration issues, it is the safest to ask them for help — Ambermed Oberlaaer Straße 300 – 306 , 1230 Wien (GoogleMaps).
Yes. In the case of reasonable suspicion of a judicially punishable act, all health care professionals are obliged to report to the criminal police or the public prosecutor’s office if:
On the other hand, the obligation to report does not apply if the report would contradict the will of the adult patient who is capable of acting or making decisions, provided that there is no immediate danger to him/her or to another person and the clinical forensic evidence has been medically verified, or the report in the specific case would interfere with the professional activity, the effectiveness of which requires a personal relationship of trust, unless there is an immediate danger to that person or to another person, or the professional exercising his/her professional activity in the employment relationship has made a corresponding report to the employer and a report has been made by the employer to the criminal investigation department or the public prosecutor’s office.
In the case of children and adolescents, the report can be omitted if the suspicion is directed against a relative (§ 72 StGB), provided that this is in the best interests of the child or adolescent and a report is made to the child and youth welfare authorities and, if necessary, a child protection facility at a hospital is involved.
Legal base: Protection Against Violence Act 2019
Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt Information is available in German, English, Ukrainian, Russian.
German, English, Ukrainian, Russian — (links in German, English, Ukrainian, Russian)
Counseling for people affected by domestic violence or stalking – especially after the imposition of a restraining order (for premises in the case of domestic violence).
Counseling for women and girls affected by sexual violence.
www.sexuellegewalt.at , www.frauennotruf.wien.at
Safe and guarded accommodation and counseling for women affected by violence and their children.
children. www.aoef.at , www.frauenhaeuser-zoef.at/en_uber.htm
A well-developed network of counseling centers provides support for women and girls in need and offers help and advice in the case of violence.
When compiling the instructions, we relied on the help of volunteers and lawyers from different countries. If something went wrong — the organization didn’t respond to you, you found a bug or the instructions weren’t precise enough — tell us about it. Email us at: help@labirint.online