We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
01. Call the Police
— What can I do?
133 (police) or 112 (general emergency number, you will be redirected to police if required)
Police can remove the perpetrator from the house and give a restraining order. Basically, all the rules work as if it was violence against you.
02. List of local (N)GOs who can help
— Which organizations can help?
The list of child advisory centers by region https://www.kija.at/
- AvS / PPD – Carinthian Welfare Association, 9400 Wolfsberg, Stadionbadstraße 1 (9400 Wolfsberg, Stadionbadstraße 1). Phone: 04352/51512, www.avs-sozial.at Contact person: Magister Gabriele Juri, g.juri@avs-sozial.at
- Child Welfare Centre, 1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9/1 (die möwe, Kinderschutzzentrum Wien, 1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9/1). Phone: 01 5321515-113, www.die-moewe.at. Contact person: Magister Annelies Strolz, strolz@die-moewe.at
- Department “Self-Confident” – Sex Education and Prevention of Sexual Abuse, 5020 Salzburg, Strubergasse 26 (Sexuelle Bildung & Prävention von sexuellem Missbrauch, 5020 Salzburg, Strubergasse 26). Phone: 0650-23 33 240, kontakt@selbstbewusst.at, www.selbstbewusst.at. Contact person: Magister Gabriele Rothuber
- Health Promotion and Social Work Social Medical Center (SMZ) Liebenau, 8041 Graz, Liebenauer Hauptstraße 141, 1st floor Phone: www.smz.at. Contact person: Carina Batek-Stipacek, MPH, batek-stipacek@smz.at. Tel.: 0664/3438381. Contact person: Anna Hofmann-Wellenhof, B.A., hofmann-wellenhof@smz.at, 0316/42 81 61, 0650/67 35 146
- Child Protection Institute for Social Services GmbH, psychosocial support, 6850 Dornbirn, Marktplatz 3). Tel.: 05-1755-505, kinderschutz@ifs.at, www.ifs.at. Contact person: mag.a. Jutta Lutz-Diem, jutta.lutz-diem@ifs.at
- Child Welfare Center Amstetten (Lower Austria), 3300 Amstetten, Anzengruberstraße 3/1. Stock. Tel.: 0664/4223899 noe.kinderfreunde.at/Bundeslaender/Niederoesterreich/Kidsnest . Contact person: DSA Mag.a (FH) Theresia Ruß, kinderschutz-am@kidsnest.at
- Child Welfare Center Burgenland, Burgenland 7000 Burgenland, Unterbergstraße 20). Tel.: 02682/64214, www.rettet-das-kind-bgld.at/cms/. Contact person: Dr.in Angela Kröpfl, kinderschutzzentrum@rettet-das-kind-bgld.at
- Graz Child Welfare Center, Graz, 8020 Graz, Griesplatz 32). Tel.: 0316/831941, www.kinderschutz-zentrum.at. Contact person: Dipl. Päd. Gabriella Walisch, g.walisch@kinderschutz-zentrum.at
- Child Protection Tyrol GmbH, 6020 Innsbruck, Museumstraße 11/1 Stock. Tel.: 0512 583757, innsbruck@kinderschutz-tirol.at, www.kinderschutz-tirol.at. Contact person: mag. Astrid Lanza (head of department), a.lanza@kinderschutz-tirol.at
- PIA Association, 4020 Linz, Niederreithstraße 33. Tel.: 0732/65 00 31, www.pia-linz.at. Contact person: Katja Koller, BA.
- 147 – emergency number for children and young people, https://www.rataufdraht.at/ – support hotline
- http://www.oe-kinderschutzzentren.at/bundesverband-2/uber-uns/ – child protection center: https://www.kids-line.at/
- Kids-line: Advice for young people: https://www.kids-line.at/
- Women’s Counselling Centres for Sexual Violence against women and girls. Counseling for women and girls affected by sexual violence. www.sexuellegewalt.at , www.frauennotruf.wien.at , https://www.gewalt-ist-nie-ok.at/en/what-can-i-do-adresses-links
Did our instructions help?
When compiling the instructions, we relied on the help of volunteers and lawyers from different countries. If something went wrong – the organization didn’t respond to you, you found a bug or the instructions weren’t precise enough – tell us about it. Email us at: help@labirint.online