We have collected instructions, recommendations and contacts, which can help you in the chosen country and situation
01. Call the Police
— What should I do if I am in danger and need emergency help?
You can call special number dedicated to support of the child victims of violence 147. Children’s emergency number: 0800 – 567 567.
— As a minor, can I call the police myself?
Yes, but better start from the number dedicated to support of the child victims of violence 147.
02. Get medical help
— How to get medical help?
You can call special number dedicated to support of the child victims of violence 147. Children’s emergency number: 0800 – 567 567.
— When I call the police, what language should I speak?
You can use English or German languages.
— Legislation punishing violence against children?
List of Articles from Administrative and Criminal Codes
With the Federal Constitutional Law on the Rights of Children, the National Council has sent a socio-political signal and declared the comprehensive well-being of children and adolescents to be one of the fundamental state objectives.
Article 5 states:
(1) Every child has the right to an upbringing free of violence. Corporal punishment, infliction of mental suffering, sexual abuse and other ill-treatment are prohibited. Every child has the right to protection from economic and sexual exploitation.
(2) Every child victim of violence or exploitation shall have the right to adequate compensation and rehabilitation. Further details shall be determined by law.”
03. List of local (N)GOs who can help
— Which organizations can help?
The list of child advisory centers by region https://www.kija.at/
- AvS / PPD – Carinthian Welfare Association, 9400 Wolfsberg, Stadionbadstraße 1 (9400 Wolfsberg, Stadionbadstraße 1). Phone: 04352/51512, www.avs-sozial.at Contact person: Magister Gabriele Juri, g.juri@avs-sozial.at
- Child Welfare Centre, 1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9/1 (die möwe, Kinderschutzzentrum Wien, 1010 Vienna, Börsegasse 9/1). Phone: 01 5321515-113, www.die-moewe.at. Contact person: Magister Annelies Strolz, strolz@die-moewe.at
- Department “Self-Confident” – Sex Education and Prevention of Sexual Abuse, 5020 Salzburg, Strubergasse 26 (Sexuelle Bildung & Prävention von sexuellem Missbrauch, 5020 Salzburg, Strubergasse 26). Phone: 0650-23 33 240, kontakt@selbstbewusst.at, www.selbstbewusst.at. Contact person: Magister Gabriele Rothuber
- Health Promotion and Social Work Social Medical Center (SMZ) Liebenau, 8041 Graz, Liebenauer Hauptstraße 141, 1st floor Phone: www.smz.at. Contact person: Carina Batek-Stipacek, MPH, batek-stipacek@smz.at. Tel.: 0664/3438381. Contact person: Anna Hofmann-Wellenhof, B.A., hofmann-wellenhof@smz.at, 0316/42 81 61, 0650/67 35 146
- Child Protection Institute for Social Services GmbH, psychosocial support, 6850 Dornbirn, Marktplatz 3). Tel.: 05-1755-505, kinderschutz@ifs.at, www.ifs.at. Contact person: mag.a. Jutta Lutz-Diem, jutta.lutz-diem@ifs.at
- Child Welfare Center Amstetten (Lower Austria), 3300 Amstetten, Anzengruberstraße 3/1. Stock. Tel.: 0664/4223899 noe.kinderfreunde.at/Bundeslaender/Niederoesterreich/Kidsnest . Contact person: DSA Mag.a (FH) Theresia Ruß, kinderschutz-am@kidsnest.at
- Child Welfare Center Burgenland, Burgenland 7000 Burgenland, Unterbergstraße 20). Tel.: 02682/64214, www.rettet-das-kind-bgld.at/cms/. Contact person: Dr.in Angela Kröpfl, kinderschutzzentrum@rettet-das-kind-bgld.at
- Graz Child Welfare Center, Graz, 8020 Graz, Griesplatz 32). Tel.: 0316/831941, www.kinderschutz-zentrum.at. Contact person: Dipl. Päd. Gabriella Walisch, g.walisch@kinderschutz-zentrum.at
- Child Protection Tyrol GmbH, 6020 Innsbruck, Museumstraße 11/1 Stock. Tel.: 0512 583757, innsbruck@kinderschutz-tirol.at, www.kinderschutz-tirol.at. Contact person: mag. Astrid Lanza (head of department), a.lanza@kinderschutz-tirol.at
- PIA Association, 4020 Linz, Niederreithstraße 33. Tel.: 0732/65 00 31, www.pia-linz.at. Contact person: Katja Koller, BA.
- 147 – emergency number for children and young people, https://www.rataufdraht.at/ – support hotline
- http://www.oe-kinderschutzzentren.at/bundesverband-2/uber-uns/ – child protection center: https://www.kids-line.at/
- Kids-line: Advice for young people: https://www.kids-line.at/
- Women’s Counselling Centres for Sexual Violence against women and girls. Counseling for women and girls affected by sexual violence. www.sexuellegewalt.at , www.frauennotruf.wien.at , https://www.gewalt-ist-nie-ok.at/en/what-can-i-do-adresses-links
Did our instructions help?
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